Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hand Assignment

A homework assignment! Done late, of course, but I'm pretty surprised that this guy could even get one done in the first place.

Mm, well, I did them pretty quickly... These were done in my smaller, personal sketchbook... I couldn't find the one that Wertz gave me at the beginning of the year... I think Emilie Reed stole it and wrote 'You weren't even going to use this page anyways!' on the last page of it. Just a theory, you know.

I don't have anything else to say about them, except that I kind of need the grade from them, ha ha... I need to pass this class with at least a 70%. Other than that, I just have Live-a-Live on the brain. Move... Buriki Daioh!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Color Pencil study thumbnails

Three full-size thumbnails. The objects are a copy of The Tommyknockers by Stephen King, my sketchbook, my mp3 player (A Sony Walkman, which is reflective), and my glasses.

Drawn from three different angles- Crouching at almost eye-level near Dmitri's seat, behind the desks from the computer area, and sitting at my desk like a normal human being.

The first thumbnail is sans the glasses, because I couldn't find them that morning. Personally, I'm kind of partial to the third one... maybe just because it means I wouldn't have to draw in a weird position.

The common element between the movement of the objects was that the books were leaning with the sketchbook on top, and that the mp3 player was constantly in the foreground with the headphones leading away towards the foreground- to give the impression that a person off-frame was listening to it. This is because I was listening to it for all three thumbnails, but my headphones are broken now, ha ha.

Addendum: Added a fourth thumbnail.